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Sun Feb 09 @ 2:00PM - 05:00PM
Train Club Open for Visitors
Thu Feb 13 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM
CMR Meeting - General Work Night -Open to Public
Sat Feb 15 @10:00AM - 05:00PM
Train Club Open to Public

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NRHS Links

Here are a list of links for additional information concerning railroad car preservation and renovation, other nationwide NRHS clubs and some other general information.


The National Railway Historical SocietyWith a founding membership of fewer than 40 persons in 1935, NRHS began a steady growth which has continued to the present day. In 1936 two more chapters were added -- Baltimore on January 21 and Philadelphia on March 9. By the start of World War II there were 16 chapters spread from Boston to Pittsburgh, and at the 25-year mark the roster had increased to 41, with chapters as far away as Florida and the West Coast. By the end of 1985, the Society's 50th year, a total of 146 chapters could be found from New England to Hawaii, and membership exceeded 13,000 for the first time.


The New Hope Valley Railway: The New Hope Valley Railway of today was begun on 15 January 1982 when the East Carolina Chapter, National Railway Historical Society purchased the tracks and right-of-way in Bonsal and New Hill from the Southern Railway.  This consists of Bonsal Yard, the line currently operated from Bonsal to New Hill, and a small portion of the original 1906 trackage along Beaver Creek Road in Chatham County just north of Bonsal.  This old line can be seen to the left side of the train as it passes Bonsal Junction just after leaving the Bonsal Depot.  The first public ride operations were held in April of 1984, and it has been operated as a living railroad museum ever since.


Carolina Clinchfield Chapter, National Railway Historical Society:   We are a local chapter, No. 215, of the National Railway Historical Society, and the only such chapter whose primary interest lies in the preservation of the history and heritage of the former Clinchfield Railroad.  From an humble beginning of 35 charter members in 1994, our membership has expanded to well over 275, from 24 states and three foreign countries.


Cape Fear Railroaders/Cape Fear Chapter #164:  Cape Fear Railroaders/Cape Fear Chapter #164, of the National Railway Historical Society and 100% National Model Railroad Association club.  We are the local Railfan and Model Railroading club in Fayetteville, NC.  We are incorporated as a non-profit Historical and Educational organization, dedicated to keeping the history of railroads alive.


North Carolina Transportation Museum:   The Mission of the North Carolina Transportation Museum and Foundation at Historic Spencer Shops is to preserve and interpret the history of transportation in North Carolina and to present this history in a manner that allows visitors to enjoy their experience as well as learn from it.

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